Bold and Vast

Strategic Deposits: Fueling Success for You and Your Organization

Back in my days of training managers with Bank of America, I had the pleasure of leading a course on employee engagement that employed a captivating analogy – the concept of making deposits and withdrawals, much like you would at a bank.

If you can, consider the last time you visited your local bank for a deposit or withdrawal. With nearly everything being digital these days – it may be tough to do, but follow me!

More often than not, making a deposit meant the growth of balance, while a withdrawal resulted in a financial decrease due to funds going out.

Now, I recognize I’m not splitting the atom with this revelation, but I promise – there’s a connection to be made!

This philosophy seamlessly applied to our conversations with those managers. Each interaction they shared with their teams mirrored a transaction, akin to banking. Think of it as a continuous cycle of depositing or withdrawing from an “engagement bank.” A deposit implied an investment in fostering employee engagement, whereas a withdrawal represented a drawdown on that engagement, inevitably leading to diminished team spirit.

Now, how does this link to the value you bring and your responsibility as an employee within your larger organizational context?

The answer is quite simple, really. It rests upon your duty to the organization you serve – a duty to consistently contribute value, much like a series of deposits accumulating over time.

In a world often consumed by self-interest and the pursuit of personal advantage, where opportunities are weighed for individual benefit and climbing the corporate ladder takes precedence, I urge you to broaden your perspective.

Ponder the idea that by putting your best foot forward for your employer, you’re making deposits. These deposits don’t just contribute to the overall success of your organization; they also increase the likelihood that your organization recognizes your value and presents you with avenues for professional growth and advancement.

Contemplate, too, how your interactions with colleagues, peers, team members, and management could very well shape potential references for the future.

Consider this: if you were seeking a new opportunity and required a reference, what narrative would you expect your current associates, teammates, or managers to convey?

Here’s my encouragement: Invest in making deposits. By doing so, when the time comes for a withdrawal – perhaps in the form of seeking new opportunities – your reserves will have matured in a way that ensures the next opportunity awaits you, ready and waiting.

This approach ensures you’re well-prepared for whatever the future may hold.

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